Welcome to my author's website. 
Whither a Star Trek Fan or a Young Adult Dystopian Fan, I hope you will like my work.
Star Trek Fan Fiction Fans will find a thrilling continuation of the adventure that Star Fleet had embarked on with the original 5-year mission, to explore were no vessel has ventured before. Set 10 years after the Dominion War, the adventures of the USS Explorer continue the exploration that is Star Fleet's foundation. The current series comprises the first 5 books with a sixth in work.

Young Adult Dystopian Fans will, hopefully, delight in the pages of: The Journal of 5X3U003930094. This is the story of Kana, a young female born into a world of females after the Great Plague that killed off all the males in the world. The current series comprises the first 5 parts with a sixth in the works.

I also write articles and I am published in the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) magazine, and the NMRA Southeastern Region magazine, the SouthErneR. I have an article pending publication in the NMRA Magazine in the SouthErneR magazine Fall issue.